Sunday, February 11, 2018

Yoga practice 3

This week was tough finding time to do Yoga, expecially because I was so sore after the Bikram practice we did in class. I had to wait until today to do my weekly practice because of how sore I was. The only available class near me to take were Hot yoga and I know my body would not like me after that. I waited till I felt a little better to do the Hot yoga. I attended the one in Galloway at Grow yoga. I have done it three times before there all with different instructors. This girl was very energetic and always making comments about life that were uplifting. Sometimes throughout the practice she was say things like " forget about your life issues right now and focus on you, this is all about you and your health."

I think that since Yoga has become so popular with college kids getting into Hot yoga that people see it as just a workout. I think that people only practicing Hot yoga feel that way though. For me, I do a little bit of everything and I find it relaxing but I also feel like I'm doing my body a favor with taking care of my stress, stretching my body and ect.

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