Sunday, February 18, 2018

Practice as ritual

Based on my understanding of Nervin's article I understood that Ritual is the surroundings during a practice. I think rituals are very important and can completely change someone's outlook on their yoga experience. I know that when I first attended yoga I loved the positive quotes on the wall, the smell of the candles burning, the pretty lights hanging on the pretty colored wall and so on.

I think that the ritual can really change your experience. I always wanted to attend the free yoga practices held on campus, but I remember going to one of my friend's sorority's free yoga classes in the lodge and I hated it. I don't know if I hated it because of the instructor, or if I was just bored, or if I just totally wasn't interested in all. I remember being all the way in the back because the lodge was filled with girls trying to be quite and listen to this instructor who we could barely hear. I remember they had some music on but the lights were on and there was no other decorations or anything like an actual yoga studio. My point is maybe the ritual space had something to do with my experience at the lodge or it was myself not engaging in the practice?

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