Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Weekly Practice Journals: Theme: Pranayama & Practice: -How is pranayama taught/practiced in your practice space(s)? What is the purpose of breath work in your practice space? Is breath the "focus"of your practice? Explain why it is, or is not.

I wouldn't say that breathe work is really a major part of my practice. Like i mentioned in previous blogs, I mostly go to hot yoga but sometimes i switch it up when i am able to or when it is offered at a time i am available. I only am able to go really early in the morning or the latest class they offer which is usually 8/ 8:30. I love night classes especially when I do yin yoga. Doing yin yoga after a stressful day is my favorite, it's so relaxing and just so rewarding I don't even know how to explain it. Depending on who the teacher is sometimes we focus on breath more than usual. I personally don't like breathe work because I feel like i cant hold my breathe as long as most people in the class do. I don't know why, i feel like I always had this problem for as long as i remember.

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